Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Kids


These two good lookin' creatures are my kiddos. My son is Cullen, Jr. and my daughter is Kayleigh. This picture was taken in 2008 so they have aged just a bit but they are now 18 and 14.
It's so hard to put into words how much I love these two people. Prior to having kids you can never understand how much one can love an individual that you just gave birth to. But, you just do.
It's passionate, unconditional, heart-wrenching kind of love. And don't you dare think you're gonna mess with my kids because I'll get my can of "whoop a**"out faster than you can blink an eye.
This may seem a little corny but I just felt the need to tell everyone in the blogosphere how much I love my kids and how much I love them unconditionally. I compare it to the love that the Lord has for all of us.
Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Newest Addition


This is the newest addition to out happy little household. His name is Hershey and he is 8 months old. The own told me that he is a Yori-poo; but aren't they supposed to be so tiny that they can fit in the palm of one's hand?

Well, I didn't care and neither did my "lover of all animals" partner in crime; that would be my daughter, Kayleigh. We can talk Daddy into anything! :o)

So, now we're a household of 3 dogs and 1 cat. I'm not asking anymore of my husband because I think that he might have a nervous break down
he might turn me down and that's more than I can handle!

So, please pardon me for abandoning my blog this week but I've had my hands full trying to get Hershey accustomed to our home and our two other dogs.

I'll check in tomorrow....doesn't that puppy have the cutest face you've ever seen?? I love it!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Five Question Friday

Hello all! I seem to be feeling quite a bit better after a run of pneumonia. Quite a bit better means that I'm still not at full capacity but I'm certainly getting there!

As I was browsing blog sites today I ran into a blog called

Anyone who knows me....knows that I love memes or any kind of blog prompts.
So let's begin!


1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?

Not currently, but that answer would be a big fat yes about eighteen years ago when I had my first child. I didn't have a whole lot of help after my son was born so taking a shower and putting on a nice new set of clothing would have been a luxury.

2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?

I'm actually currently living in it. We live about 30 miles outside of Houston, TX, and I couldn't be happier. I was raised here but in 1996 we had to move to St. Louis, MO, to be close to my aging parents. Besides spending those last 12 years with them; I absolutely hated it. However, I wouldn't have traded it for the world had I missed those last years with my parents.

3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?

My kids are 14 and 18; so to save money we typically drive. However we have always driven because we've always had a van and it has been big enough for the kids to spread out. Maybe that wasn't the safest thing to do but whatever it took to keep them from screaming!

4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?

Calling a maid service. I have health problems that prevent me from cleaning the way a house should be spring cleaned. My wonderful husband does all that he can but a person can only do so much on the weekends.

5. What is the best book you have ever read?

The best book I've ever read is called "Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail"
written by Malika Oufkir. It's probably one of the saddest but uplifting books I've read, too. It starts out really slow and you really want to throw it to the side and say "forget it". However, something about the books keeps pulling you in chapter by chapter and it turns into an amazing read. Please take the time to read it for yourself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Do you have any of these symptoms?

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Shaking chills
  • Chest pain that fluctuates with breathing (pleurisy)
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue

If you don't then you had probably stay away from me! I have all these symptoms and more. :o(
Obviously, you don't have to stay away from my blog...just me. ha ha
I went to the doctor yesterday and I have full blow pneumonia!! I've never had pneumonia a day in my life and I could just kick myself for not getting a pneumonia shot when I got my flu shot!!!
I apologize for not blogging but I haven't felt like lifting my head off my pillow for the past 4 days. The doc put me on some super strong antibiotics and I'm hoping it will kick this pneumonia in the booty!
I promise that I'll make it up to ya'll...I've had plenty of time to think of all kinds of things to write about.

Be well and have a fabulous day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Church Signs

A very good friend of mine sent me some of the best "church signs" that I've ever read. Please read below...








If you are not a Christian and this offends you I will not apologize. I will only suggest that you ignore this post. If you're not a Christian and you would like to be one; please contact me...I would be more than happy to put your heart on the right path.

Have a Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jimmy Surprises Bieber Fan

Do you know who this kid is???


I must live under a rock because I had no idea who this young man was until today. I mean, even 3-year-old girls LOVE this teenager.

Please watch one of the cutest videos I've ever seen.

Wow, I used to have a crush on Richy Schroeder but no one ever asked me to be on TV!


I still love you, Ricky!!!

So, who was your pre-teen crush?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Did You Do Before You Sat Down At Your Computer Today?

I fell asleep on the couch last night so instead of stumbling out of bed I basically fell off the couch. I can assure you that's not a good way to wake up.


I walked out to my back yard with my very rambunctious dogs so that they could do their "business".PhotobucketPhotobucket

I went over to the fence line and just had to pet our next door neighbor's dog, Lucy....I promise she's the sweetest dog in the world!

I gathered my dogs back into the house; looked at my over-flowing sink of dishes and decided that I really

didn't see an over-flowing sink of dishes.


I went over to our dinner table and lit my Lampe Berger. The house didn't stink but it just needed a nice scent to it.


Once all of that was done; I plopped down on my computer chair and started checking my email.

So, what did you did before you sat down at your computer today?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling Blue

The color that is behind my writing is blue...that's how I'm feeling today. I so want to have an amazing blog that a lot of people follow. I do realize that I'm just starting out in the "blogging industry" but when I look at other blog sites...I can't seem to figure out how they do what they do.

I do know a little bit of html but there is a website that I go to that helps me out with that.

I would love to have someone create a background for my blog without spending a lot of money; I would also like buttons made so that others can place my button on their blog and when someone clicks on the button they will be redirected to my blog.

But, most of all, I need to find things to blog about. My friend, Paul, is such an inspiration to me! Not only is he a great writer....he always finds the funniest things to blog about.

I hope this doesn't seem like I'm sitting on my pity pot...I've just hit a rut. If anyone has any ideas to share please feel free to pass them on to me!

On a lighter note...this is what I got to look at this evening in my back yard..a beautiful sunset that made me smile!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Attention: Ice Storm In Houston Area

As you can see from the pictures above...Houston has had an ICE STORM! All the schools are closed, the roads are closed...even my husband's company has shut down for the day. I'm so glad that I have prepared for this kind of disaster...we have plenty of nonperishable items and bottled water.


HTML scrolling text

From the pictures, I hope that you know I am joking! Even though I was raised in Texas, my family and I had to move to St. Louis, MO for 12 years. I can't believe how people freak out over a little bit of frozen precipitation. However, giving credit where credit is due...the city of Houston is in no way prepared for frozen precipitation of any kind.

I just wonder what would happen if something like this happened in the Houston area:

I don't think anyone would even get out of bed!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Don't Worry....


Don't's okay to enter my swine flu or any other flu for that matter. I just thought that this little pig with a thermometer in his mouth was too cute not to describe what's been going on at my house this week.
To make a long story short...all four of us have had "the funk" in one capacity or another since Sunday night. I just wanted all (2 or 3) of my followers to know that I haven't given up on blogging...we've just all been under the weather.
Today I plan on Lysoling my house until we can all taste it in our mouth until its as germ-free as I can get it!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Something To Smile About

Banana Bread

You're prolly wondering why this man is so happy!! Well, here is the recipe that put a smile on his face.

Banana Bread

1 cup sugar 2 cup flour
1/2 cup butter 1 tsp. baking soda
3 ripe bananas 1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs nuts optional

Cream butter and sugar
Add bananas and eggs
Beat well

Sift flour, baking soda and salt
in separate bowl
Add to batter and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Bake for 1 hour

Personal footnote: I baked my loaf of bread for 1 hour and 10 minutes. About 50 minutes into baking the banana bread, I covered it with aluminum foil so that the top would not burn.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Amputee Rap by Josh Sundquist

I love this fella's enthusiasm and positive attitude. As Josh would say "A M P U T double E the glass is half full; yeh, I still got three!"

If you want to follow Josh even more please start at THIS YouTube video!