Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling Blue

The color that is behind my writing is blue...that's how I'm feeling today. I so want to have an amazing blog that a lot of people follow. I do realize that I'm just starting out in the "blogging industry" but when I look at other blog sites...I can't seem to figure out how they do what they do.

I do know a little bit of html but there is a website that I go to that helps me out with that.

I would love to have someone create a background for my blog without spending a lot of money; I would also like buttons made so that others can place my button on their blog and when someone clicks on the button they will be redirected to my blog.

But, most of all, I need to find things to blog about. My friend, Paul, is such an inspiration to me! Not only is he a great writer....he always finds the funniest things to blog about.

I hope this doesn't seem like I'm sitting on my pity pot...I've just hit a rut. If anyone has any ideas to share please feel free to pass them on to me!

On a lighter note...this is what I got to look at this evening in my back yard..a beautiful sunset that made me smile!


  1. There are always writing prompts at for ideas on what to blog about. Are you on Twitter? That is a good place to connect with others who can help with blog design, buttons, and other bloggers who have writing workshops such as Mama Kat here's a link for her writer's workshop

  2. You are not allowed to feel blue on my birthday. Please delete this post and put it up on another day. :)

  3. Oh wait...too late for that, huh? Oh well.

  4. I'm so sorry, Paul! Happy belated Birthday! You should have told me it was your birthday and then I wouldn't have been blue yesterday...I would've been purple or yellow or something. :o)

  5. Thank you Jessica...I will make sure that I remember to check that blog site out!

  6. I have had one of my blog friends do up my blog (not how it looks now but before I did a re-do). Her name is Patrice and she does a great job for a good price. Click into my blog and look her up under my followers.

    Hope you are feeling less blue tomorrow!!
